Miley Cyrus, Seriously People….

Okay, I keep hearing a ton about people trashing Miley Cyrus for her photo’s (Vanity Fair and otherwise) and i have something to say about it:

Miley is 15 and has grown into a responable young lady, the photo for Vanity Fair was meant to be a natural, beautiful,artistic photo of Miley and i love it, and as for her young fans (referring to her pre-teen and teenage fans )There gonna dress like trash with or without Miley doing something similar.
Miley apologized publicly about the photo too, she’s taking responability, just as she took full charge of any untrue rumors or other photo’s leaked to the public. I admire Miley and look up to her, but definately do not put her on a pedistal like many girls do, The portrait in a way showed that Miley is growing up, she takes the heat for her mistakes and doesn’t try to hide her flaws. Miley is someone to be more observed than judged. And as for Miley’s OTHER photo’s (the ’scandal’ pics ) She took the heat for those too, and says she cares deeply about her fans and wants to do what’s right by them, one thing to always remember is that she is human, and just because she claims to be trying to stay wholesome and true to her faith is no reason at all to point and make fun whenever she slips up.  And yes, if Miley becomes pregnant or poses for nude photo’s i will no longer be a fan of hers, but for right now she says that she’s trying to be solid in her Christian faith and praises the Lord whenever she recieves an award and yells “God Bless” to her fans every performance. I wasn’t completely sure about what i thought about Miley (as i said a few posts back) But as long as Miley proclaims that she isn’t ashamed of her faith in Christ than i’ll happily be one in who-knows-how-many million fans.

That’s all i have to say about that.

God Bless You Guys,

