First TTV Online Radio Broadcast!

Hey!! Abby & Shellie & Dixie & Mara Typing to you, well actually its just Abby but we’ve got Mara on the phone and were all talking to her and typing to you guys right now,

The First Broadcast is TONIGHT! And like i’ve said before, the first broadcast is gonna be not-so-serious, were gonna pretty much play our favorite songs and and talk about Celebrity gossip and just everyday stuff, kind of introduce ourselves and who we are to BTR, because even though we do wanna let you guys know were serious and care about whats going on in our world, just remember were also teenagers, we wanna have fun with it.

Well… Looks like its time for Rootbeer Floats! God Bless You Guys and make sure to ‘Click-in’ at at 8:30PM Central Time tonight, and remember if ya’ll miss it thats fine because we’ll just post it on the ‘teens view broadcast’ page.

Luv Ya!


Abby,Shellie,Dixie,and Mara

First Teens View Broadcast Tomorrow!!!

Hey everybody! Its Shellie Here!!

Sorry i haven’t typed much to you guys I’m pretty busy w/school and classes, but anyway, I’ll bet you guys have been wondering where I’ve been this whole time!

Anyway, A HUGE thanks to Abby for keeping you guys updated this whole i time i promise to type back in here and keep you guys updated more!

All of us are very excited for the first Teens View broadcast! It’ll be awesome to finally start the teens view i know Abby has been really looking forward to it, we all have been Dixie says “Hi” (were all chatting right now as i’m doing this) and i actually didn’t get to meet Mara until like yesterday and she’s one of the hosts too, she lives in California and is a friend of Abby’s so, she’s awesome, Mara if you read this: Your awesome! lol I’m  looking forward to getting to know all of ya’ll and for you guys to get to know us, we all hope that in some way throughout the future broadcasts that we’ll encourage all of you to reach deeper in your faith and if your not a religous person, we hope that we give you a Christians point of view that youn can really understand, were not trying to ‘shove’ religion down anybody’s throats, we pray for everybody wether we know you or not and we luv everybody even if you hate us.

Well, gotta go, God Bless you Guys! Luv ya!

From your favorite host,

Shellie K.

On The Phone with Mara Jade Wilson

Ello My WordPress Peeps! Abby Again!

Most likely by Monday Shellie or Mara will type-in to you guys, and in the meanwhile, i have some story’s on how awful a cook i am! For instance, one time i was trying to make breakfast and….well….Did you know that bacon can explode?? Or how easily it is to set butter and oil on fire?What about how easy it is to misunderstand a chocolate chip recipe and end up making enough cookie dough for 10 dozen cookie’s??? Yessiree folks, i cannot cook anything other than noodles!

So, just reminding you guys to just explore TTV’s blog because we’ve added some cool pages and added some funny vid’s from youtube! I’m on the phone w/Mara right now, and here’s what she has to say to ya’ll!:

“Hey everyone! Its too bad i wont actually be with Dixie, Shellie and Abby but it’ll still be awesome to host from California and get to talk to you guys! Thanks so much for being patient after all this time as we have tried to get a good first broadcast date, God Bless!”–Mara Jade Wilson

Okay, now i gotta help Mara set up a gmail account so i’ll type to you guys later!




Tip and Tricks!

Hey Guys! Its Abby Here!

So, I hope most of you guys will ‘click-in’ to blogtalkradio for the first broadcast of the teens view, and in the second radio show, I’ll give you guys some awesome organic tips, natural face masks and skin info (like what kind of foods can be bad for your skin ) my mom is at some dermatology school so she’s getting a bunch of info, like here’s a good tip:

Use conditioner instead of lotion, lotion only spreads a thin protective layer over the skin instead of penetrating the skin and actually miosterizing it, Conditioner actually penetrates and softenens the skin. Which means instead of buying some fance lotion, buy any kind of conditioner and have better skin! (pretty cool huh?)

Also in other broadcasts we’ll be giving out hair tips, like this one:

Ever wonder how Taylor Swift gets her perfect curls? Its true she has naturally wavy hair, but not those flawless curls you see all the time, she explains how she does it to ‘cosmogirl'(i think that’s the mag anyway ) “You know how most people put the iron at the botton of the hair and roll it up? Well, what i do is i start it on the top and wrap the hair around the iron”

Like i said in a past post, if you want info on when the first broadcast will be, go to the ‘teens view broadcast’ page, and if you miss it on, that’s fine, we’ll post it on ‘the teens view broadcast’ page, actually we’ll also post all of our broadcasts.

I’ll type back to you guys with any new info!

God Bless!



Miley Cyrus, Seriously People….

Okay, I keep hearing a ton about people trashing Miley Cyrus for her photo’s (Vanity Fair and otherwise) and i have something to say about it:

Miley is 15 and has grown into a responable young lady, the photo for Vanity Fair was meant to be a natural, beautiful,artistic photo of Miley and i love it, and as for her young fans (referring to her pre-teen and teenage fans )There gonna dress like trash with or without Miley doing something similar.
Miley apologized publicly about the photo too, she’s taking responability, just as she took full charge of any untrue rumors or other photo’s leaked to the public. I admire Miley and look up to her, but definately do not put her on a pedistal like many girls do, The portrait in a way showed that Miley is growing up, she takes the heat for her mistakes and doesn’t try to hide her flaws. Miley is someone to be more observed than judged. And as for Miley’s OTHER photo’s (the ’scandal’ pics ) She took the heat for those too, and says she cares deeply about her fans and wants to do what’s right by them, one thing to always remember is that she is human, and just because she claims to be trying to stay wholesome and true to her faith is no reason at all to point and make fun whenever she slips up.  And yes, if Miley becomes pregnant or poses for nude photo’s i will no longer be a fan of hers, but for right now she says that she’s trying to be solid in her Christian faith and praises the Lord whenever she recieves an award and yells “God Bless” to her fans every performance. I wasn’t completely sure about what i thought about Miley (as i said a few posts back) But as long as Miley proclaims that she isn’t ashamed of her faith in Christ than i’ll happily be one in who-knows-how-many million fans.

That’s all i have to say about that.

God Bless You Guys,




Hey Guys! (Abby Once Again)

Sorry about Shellie and Mara not dropping in every now and again to type to ya’ll, Mara is in public school and is still trying to figure out wordpress ( i tried explaining it to her over the phone but she still coudn’t quite get it) And Shellie is really busy lately with singing lessons and acting classes.

I guess i’m pretty much the only one with free time, this weekend both of them were pretty busy..

Anyway! If any of ya’ll have any idea’s whatsoever for an upcoming Teens View broadcast remember to e-mail us at the addresses mentioned in the last post i made.

Shellie promises to type-to-ya’ll as soon as she can make time, and pretty soon i’ll be pretty busy too, this Summer, I’ll probably get keyboard lessons and an acting coach and singing lessons, and i’ll have Sylvan this Summer too.

But ‘ll try my best to keep ya’ll updated on everything Teens View.

This mornging me and my dad went to Starbucks and i wore my big red fluffy hat that he hates to see me wear in public bcause it tends to draw attention and its knitted with a thick red yarn so of course it stands out. But i thought it macthed my outfit so i wore it, and he’s ok with me doing stuff like that.

We didn’t sit in our usual spot because it was right next to the line and i think he was afraid it would draw too much attention (yeah, its a strange hat ) so we sat next to the window next to the door, and i couldn’t help but get the feeling that my dad was looking for somebody, i read the comics and had ice tea and he read the sports section and had his frappicino like always and we talked about the stuff we always do, but he kept looking at the people behind me and around me so, i still haven’t figured that out…

OOps! time to go to get a cd ( he’s going to buy me and my big-bro one ) and yes, i am planning on wearing my big red poofy hat again!

Praying for you guys!



New Date,New plan,New approach.

Hey Guys! Abby Here!

Okay, Now I’ve come up with a new plan to sorta introduce people to the Teens View, instead of starting out the entire radio show with grave,serious topics such as abortion and domestic abuse, the first broadcast is going to be a LOT more relaxed and fun, Were going to talk only for a half-hour ( not an hour as it was usually palnned ) about stuff teenage girls (well, teenage girls like us anyway ) like to talk about, instead of abortion, were talking about Miley Cyrus, instead of divorce, were talking about Paris Hilton, instead of domestic abuse, we’ll be telling blonde jokes (aka, talking about Paris Hiltion some more 😉 ) nah, i’m kidding, we think Paris is now on the right track and has hopefully ended the dumb-blonde phase and were totally praying for her, We’ll be talking about….get ready for this ( This WAS NOT my idea! ) :
We will talk about: Guys! ( Oh dear…I can hear my great grandma moan in her grave of dispointment…) lol seriously, i think Guys at my age are:

A waste of time

A waste of effort



But i know that Dixie,Shellie,and Mara will thoroughly enjoy talking about their favorite subject while i stand in a corner and laugh at how foolish they can sound!

Anyways, we’ll talk to Mara (if she can call-in in time, she’s in Cali ) about what its like trying to keep Christian Faith, in a family that’s all catholic, Becuase, lemme tell ya guys, they have to pray to Mary and bow to an ‘Almighty’ priest! and on ‘Ash Wednesday’ her parents pour ashes over her ( Aaaaaaaaahh-Choo! < I’m gonna kill myself later for saying something so corny…)

Anyway, the broadcast will be on the 17th of May at 8:30PM, like i said before, we’ll post a link to it right here on our Blog, so you guys can just click-and-listen!

I’ll be sure to type to ya’ll later in the week!

God Bless you guys! Pray’n for all of ya’ll everyday ( whether i know you or not )




Sorry about missing the broadcast!

Hey Guys,

Okay, so, most of ya’ll may be wondering WHY me and shellie and dixie and mara didn’t do the broadcast, pretty much my dad turned off the computer and left for work before we knew it! And he’s the only one in the entire house that knows the password, SO!  THIS weekend i PROMISE That we WILL do the broadcast, I told my dad and he says he had no idea ( even though i’ve been telling him about it all week ) and he apoligizes.

Anyway, i’m considering talking about Miley Cyrus in the broadcast too, i’m a big Miley fan, but with all of the stuff going on around her i think she needs to knock it off and really clean up her act, She’s in the middle of the public eye, she’s gotta act like it, she’s NOT  normal teen who can post silly photo’s of herself showing a little of her bra online, if she does that ( and she has ) she HAS GOT TO KNOW that people are gonna react negitively to it, she’s getting a big head and she needs to stop and remember the big guy upstairs that gave her a responsibility to her young fans, I’m not gonna turn all ‘Miley Hater’ on everybody, I’m just saying it as her sister-in-Christ, She has to be touchy about that stuff and ALWAYS put God first, those photo’s in Vanity Fair DO NOT glorify God in ANY WAY, its one thing to thank the Lord when she recieves an award and to say ‘God Bless’, she’s got to live out her faith, now a ton of people know she claims to be a Christian, now she’s representing all Christians. And she needs to act like it.

That’s i gotta say about that,

If you guys have a topic you think The Teens View should talk about e-mail me and the other Teens View hosts at:

God Bless everybody 🙂



Today’s the First TTV Broadcast!

Hey guys!

here in Keller, Texas its just about 9:00AM and at 12:30 my dad’s gonna drive my over to Dixie’s house where we’ll pick her up and at 4:00 we pick up Shellie, then from 6:00-6:45 me, Mara ( who’s going to be hosting via phone because she’s in California ) and Shellie prep for show-time, then, from 6:45-7:30 we choose what our theme song will be and what our ‘break’ songs will be ( since Dixie has offically quit the Teens View she’ll be the one choosing in what order we talk about what topics,what the songs are, what order the songs are played, How we begin and end the show )

To let ya’ll know the broadcast will be on and our show is The teens view, these is a slight possiblity that we cancel the show because Shellie has been working on her topic only a matter of days, and since its our first broadcast, we comletely expect things to go wrong because were all still figuring it out.

I’ll post a link to it tomorrow so ya’ll can just go directly to it.

God Bless! Luv Ya’ll!




We need ya’ll to e-mail us!

Hey everyone at wordpress!

Okay, so, no matter how old you are, we need to you send us an e-mail about the person in your life that has influenced you the most, and in the e-mail please mention if you would mind if we asked you to call in during the broadcast and if its ok for us to use your real name because if you dont want us to do either, we’ll totally understand and respect your privacy.

A possible test-broadcast is April 19th, Sorry that were taking so long guys! We just want to double-check everything and make sure we give off a message that were not trying to debate, and we dont want to offend anyone, If ya’ll know any good idea’s for the show please e-mail us at:

Once again thanks everyone! I love ya’ll and i’m praying for ya’ll every day! God Bless and have an awesome week!


Coffee-bean-and-tea-leaf lover, Abby

Hey everyone! Almost complete with scripts!

Just letting everyone know on our progress with the scirpts, make sure to check in, because soon we’ll be scheduling a test-broadcast!

Thanks ya’ll so much for checking in and were looking forward to it!

God Bless and 1Timothy4:12 ( the teens view motto )


Your hyped-up on coffee host, Abby-Noelle.

1st post as official hosts of The Teens View On

Hey everybody, i’m AbbyNoelle warner ( formerly Jamie Elizabeth Warner ) This is the new blog for me and the rest of the teens view hosts, my two co-hosts for the Teens View are:

Miss Shellie Katriel

Miss Mara Jade Wilson

Both Shellie and Mara are trusted friends of mine and all of us are below the age of twenty and above the age of twelve, we cannot say our exact ages because..well….our parents wouldn’t let us, anywho, rough-drafts of the scripts for our first official webshow are almost complete we just need to finish 1 more script and then we need to do a test show, on April 5th we will do a test show ( most likely post a link to it here ) and tweak the scripts a bit to make them all they can be, all of us are devoted Christians and stand firm on our beliefs with every subject we talk about, for our first radio talk show we will be discussing:



Domestic Abuse


and, Miley Cyrus.

Looking forward to broadcasting to all of ya’ll and God Bless, have a Happy Easter!

